
(part 1 of short story) FORBIDDEN

Selena was a woman of few words, and fewer for people who did not make an appointment before showing up at her place of business.

“How may I help you?”
The aggravation leapt from her lips and formed a small pile of contempt on the counter separating her from the subject of her annoyance.

“I was referred to you by one of your client’s.”
Said the small portly woman. She had to be about 42 years old, obviously someone’s neglected wife. Her demeanor was somewhere between shy and scared shitless. This nameless faceless soccer mom had obviously wandered onto the wrong side of the street.

“I think you may have mistaken me for someone else my dear.” With that Selena turned her back and exited the storefront through a cascading sheet of noisy beads. From the back of the bodega She watched the middle aged woman stand and stare into space for a minute before gathering her chunky purse and leaving the store. With a sigh and a pull of her Virginia slim cigarette, Selena was once again alone in her thoughts.

The small dark and dank space that she called home was a store like any other on the busy city street. All except for a few things, there were no signs advertising sales, no bright lights, not even so much as a visible cash register from the window, just the large front window with huge black lettering on it. FORBIDDEN.

Hanging up the phone, Selena delighted in the new revelation. Her last client called to cancel and now she had the entire evening to her own mischief. Cutting the lights, she walked to the back stairs and closed Forbidden for the night. Her small studio apartment was upstairs above her business and this was the only place where she was allowed to truly breathe without feeling the worlds prying eyes judging her.

Locking the door behind her she eased out of her clothes with the agility of a cat, never once did her slender nicotine stick leave her lips. If anything it can definitely be said that Selena had an addictive personality. Nude and Bored, two words that did not belong in the same sentence, but that she was. Often times after a long day she would strip and perch herself in front of the largest window of the small place and watch the people below. Today her exhibitionism was hiding and she settled to take a hot bath.

The woman from earlier eased her way into Selena’s mind as she bathed in silence. It was the first time that a woman had crossed her threshold. Selena began to ponder what it would be like to work with a woman. It intrigued her instantly and the thought nagged her with its incessantness.

Selena was in her mid 20’s and beautiful for all the wrong reason’s. She wasn’t slender but she wasn’t overweight, she never wore anything categorically feminine however femininity oozed from her pores. Her hair was the color of tar and her skin the hue of a roasted almond. Her features were small but intense. The only aspect of her appearance that seemed out of the ordinary, were her amber colored eyes. They illuminated against her dark simple face like a fire set ablaze in the darkest jungle, making her irresistible to anyone unlucky enough to get caught in her gaze. Nevertheless, Selena hid her beauty from the world reserving the best of her for paying customers.

After a soothing bath, she slipped into her favorite robe and decided to people watch after all. Nothing intrigued and infuriated Selena more than the ordinary people who seemed oblivious to the world. Men and women traveled from one side of the street to the next, in love, in lust, on their way to nowhere. Hungry people congregating at the small café on the corner, unnecessarily intelligent people crowding the independent book shop down the block. All of these people seemed ridiculous in their day-to-day ridiculousness.

Shaking her head, Selena’s golden eyes fell upon a familiar figure. It was the portly middle aged woman from earlier, her black skin standing out in the predominately white yuppie neighborhood. She was sitting at the café sipping something. Obviously wrapped in her own thoughts, this woman seemed less and less faceless. This woman entranced Selena. Was she stalking her? Had her husband been one of her clients at one time? What was this woman’s deal?

Needing answer’s she threw on a pair of old, worn jeans and an even older t-shirt ladled with holes and decided to investigate. She was dressed and down those rickety steps as quickly as her solid thighs could take her. She wasn’t going to risk loosing hold of this mystery. Turning the key in the lock of Forbidden, Selena nearly jumped out of her skin when there was a tap on her shoulder.

“Ma’am I apologize for coming back but I would really like to talk to you.”
The familiar voice of the soccer mom wafted over her shoulder. Her tone was riddled with emotion, Selena could not decipher whether it was sadness or anger.

“Ok, come in and we can talk for a moment.”
After unlocking the door, the two women stood in the small space and regarded one another as if the other was a masked killer on the prowl.

“Well what are you so upset about?” Selena finally blurted out.

“I really need your help, I don’t know how to say this, but I need to be punished.” She looked down at her feet and her shoulders quivered as she began to sob.

“I apologize for my behavior this afternoon, please come back to my boudoir and we can have a cup of tea.” Selena assisted the lady to her sitting area and lit another cigarette as she put on a pot of water.

“You will have to forgive me but I have never had a woman come in and request my services. But if you are truly interested in my help, there are a few things that we must get out of the way before I can agree to this.” Selena flicked her ashes in the general direction of an overfull glass ashtray.

“Yes Ma’am anything, I just need help.” The lady dabbed at her tears, and then twisted the wet tissue in her hands.

“My name is Selena, not ma’am and I need to know who referred you.”

“He said to tell you ‘angels with broken wings’ that you would know what that meant.” Again, she dabbed at her face. So simple her features were, in the light of the quaint room she seemed less matronly and mildly attractive.

“Yes, I know exactly who that is” a smile spread across Selena’s face, and the pieces of the puzzle began to fit together all too well.

“Very well, what is your name?”

“Do I have to tell you? I don’t want to tell u everythi…” Before the lady could finish her statement, Selena rose and left the room disgusted with the audacity of this woman.

Returning with a cup of tea for the woman and a glass of spiced rum for herself, Selena needed to prepare herself for this conversation.

“Look lady, you came to me remember. Don’t give me shit when I ask you something, just answer the question and everything will be fine.” Selena took a sip and put out her Virginia slim.

“You may call me Alice.” Her gaze met Selena’s for the first time, and in her eyes was a contradictory glimpse of deviousness.

“Alice it is.”

“I don’t want anyone to know that I was here, I need you to be as discreet as possible. Can you do that?” She asked after blowing at the hot liquid.

“There are rules to this, and if we are to work together you must understand these rules and obey these rules without question. First of all, you do not ask me ANYTHING. That’s first and foremost. Second, here, read this. If you can obey these and feel you are prepared I need you to sign the last page and date it.”
With that Selena figured that the conversation was over. This woman had no idea what she was in for. Walking into her world as fresh as a newborn baby and asking for something of which she was clueless.

Alice read the entire document in 5 minutes. Her lips curled at the ends, smiling in a way that showed more delight than Selena was prepared for. Signing the last page, she sat down the stack of papers and placed the pen neatly on top.

“I’m ready.” Was all that was said.

Selena lifted herself from her seat and a small surge of energy pierced her body. She was excited, more excited then the day that her first customer signed on the dotted line. This was something new and taboo even for her. She went into her parlor and began to change her clothes immediately, leaving “Alice” to her thoughts. First, she slid on her red thigh high leather boots, laced in the back with a heel of four inches. Then she tied her long obsidian hair into a tight bun with a small cord. Selena outfitted herself in her favorite pair of leather chap’s. The cool material on her heated flesh made an invisible steam rise from her skin as beads of anticipatory sweat rose to the surface.
Sliding on a tiny red leather apron, Selena was ready as well.

...To Be Continued

©Sedani 2006

(poem) Fifth of Delusion

Fifth of delusion

Don’t wake me I’m cruisin’
On a fifth of delusion
With my lips quiverin’
Eyes flutterin’
Memory stutterin’
Smiling at memories forgotten

Key’s in…
To the tune of…
Makin’ me crazy
Coursing thru my veins
At a pitch too high to be heard

My temperature rising
And no it’s not surprising
That I can’t keep my feet planted where I stand
My world is pulsing in shades of black and red
The scent of desire knockin around in my head
Nose open
Clothes smoking
With this heat rising from my bed

Another sip from my glass filled with sin
And I can’t begin
To explain the exquisite pain I’m in
Muscles spasm
Then orgasm
Into a puddle of fantasy
All over my privacy

Reds turn to blacks
Blacks turn to light
Trying to remember what happened last night
With my thoughts heading south
And a sweet taste in my mouth

This isn’t just in my head

©Sedani 2006

(short story) A Long Time Cumming

A long time Cumming

The night was dark, cool and quiet. The rain tapping on my window paced as slow as my breathing. I was restless and sleep was the last thing on my mind. I lay atop my jersey sheets, my body exposed to the nosy moonlight that floated thru my window. I was alone in my mind of impure thoughts. I could feel her gaze on me but I floated above our reality in a world where only her voice existed.

“I want you to make love to me, without touching me.”
She whispered from her hiding place.

“I want to feel you with out placing a finger on you.”

Her desire echoed around my room. I was hot to the touch; the cool fog gathering around my bed was pure humidity hissing from my pores. It was about to get a lot wetter in that dark room.

“Now show me how well I can make love to you from the other side of the room.”

I followed her silent lead. My nipples jumped from my breast in anticipation of lips not to kiss. I traced the rigid surface and let my anxious breath flow from my parted lips. My fingertips walked past my navel and stopped on the smooth skin that surrounded my womb. I caressed and lavished attention to every detail, as I knew she would do.
I could hear her heart racing, and feel the moisture gathering between her heavy thighs.

“Good Girl” moaned my lover.

Sliding my hands down the inside of my thighs, I opened them slowly and the sweet smell of my center pierced the air like a night blooming jasmine. The room went even darker. I placed one finger on the outer lips of my perfect folds and slowly parted them. The sensation was absolutely orgasmic, like being touched for the first time. A slow churning twirled in my belly as I brushed past my clitoris as lightly as a dream forgotten. In the distance I heard a zipper go down. The sound brought a smile to my eager lips. The juice from my body was pushing to get outside as I held my muscles tight; I eased two fingers inside and felt the pulse all around them. I stroked slow and easy and allowed the rocking to encompass me entirely. My body jerked and danced to an unheard melody.
I imagined my lover was twisting and rotating inside, her lips and my lips becoming one.
The first release was upon me and I grabbed at my sheets and held on as the waves of pleasure rippled through my body.
My body one large aggravated nerve, I pulled my fingers out and slid them onto my tongue. My fingers melted the saliva on my cool tongue and the velvet texture of my nectar lingered on my bottom lip. My other hand found my clit, and began to rub it gently as my mind floated on the first time she sucked it, her tongue navigating my valley like an experienced hunter searching for the next kill. My back arched and I could hear her pleasure peaking in unison with mine.
My head rotated this way and that as my throat went dry. A cry loud and pleading escaped my mouth with the urgency of my love for her.

“That’s it baby, give it to me.”
Followed by a guttural, throaty moan was the ammunition I needed. I road the cool night air as if it were her unspoken words urging me to give all my pleasure over to her. I could not control myself anymore. I squeezed my nipples and continued to rub my clit. My knees pulled into my chest and my eyes wide open. I came to the sweet sound of my lover gasping for breath. Her sighs as loud as an alarm ringing me back to reality. I came again as I held my body close and waited for the room to stop spinning.

She rose from her perch and I heard her clothes fall from her thick frame like leaves from a dying tree. Her warm skin upon mine, and her wet lips meeting mine, our thoughts the same. The appetizer was over, now came what I really hungered for.

…To be continued

©Sedani 2006

The Begining

Allow me to introduce myself.
My name is Sedani, I am a child of neglected lust and deeply rooted passion. I've been trying to focus my mental flow into something that can be digested by anyone who can open their mind up to a world where rules are non-existent, and imagination celebrated.

I am a women loving woman, a women fucking seductress, and a man devouring temptress. Needless to say i have a story deep in my soul that can tantalize any audience. I prefer to write about women loving women, as i feel the genre of lesbian erotica has been overlooked. I hope to be the voice to put us significantly on the map, But only time and effort will know the rest.

I will be using this venue as a way to reach my audience, and i encourage anyone who happens across this part of the Internet, to please leave your mark and let me know what you think. Sing praise or leave constructive criticism, Both are welcome.

Please be respectful as all my material has been copyrighted and is being posted strictly to get my voice heard, and to network.

With that said, Enjoy my brainchild!
